workshops of architecture urban design landscape languages
15 – 28 Settembre 2002 Sibari
The Workshop will take place (15-28 september 2002) in the Resort Place :
on the sea, “il salice” and in the San Bernardino Palace in Rossano. In its second edition the aim of the work shop is to find out both a mean of urban planning and cooperation (PRUSST of the city Sibari) and the project and design of the topics linked to the contents of PRUSST. The work is determined by the guidelines given by the local districts administrations, by the project customers and by the scientific board. The workshop is exclusively open to architects, engineers, urban planners, landscapers, students of the last year, and just graduated students.
responsabili dei workshop e dei gruppi di progettazione:
Angela Digiovannantonio, Giovanni Vaccarini, Pescara, Santo Giunta, Giovanni Sarta, Vania Santangelo, Palermo, Loredana De Nito, Napoli F.Berarducci, Roma, Clarastella Vicari Aversa/Juan Josè Arrizabalaga, Reggio C./San Sebastian, Ignasi Perez Arnal/ACTAR Barcelona, Pietro Caruso, Vienna, Bartocci/Bonacucina/Cocchieri, Ascoli, Giovanni La Varra, Milano, Massimo Faiferri Venezia, Isotta Cortesi- Simona Gabrielli, Carola Gattorna, Genova/Firenze, Reggio Calabria, Studioe.u./Stefan Ticher, Jan Kleihuse, Berlino Ricardo Carvalho, Lisbona, Alberto Alessi ETH Zurigo