Inaugurazione della mostra
3 Giugno 2014 | ore 12.00
Torre San Giovanni. Alghero
<<Over the years we have come to understand the importance of the adventure of superimposition, whether this involves architecture or urbanism. The wellbeing, but also the dreams, of contemporary society seem to depend on the way in which an existing situation en-counters a new situation, two temporalities, two states of mind. Each time we tackle a project we think in terms of an intervention in an existing fabric, the history of which may be real or dependent on a fiction. The goal is to superimpose our new intentions, but without imposing them onto pre-existing systems —we hope to do this with scruples and delicacy so that a third place is born, a product of the two previous ones. It is no longer a question of a before and an after, but of a suddenness. Of a state of grace stemming from this encounter, this superimposition. This difficult quest foregrounds our way of envisaging the structure, which we always aim to make independent of what it contains, so as to let this content emerge. The structure should be free, very roomy, in order to create a new rapport with the climate and the ambience, a new rapport with activity so as to produce the conditions for mobility and enjoyment. A structure that generates urbanism through its capacity to interfere with existingstructures and activate the urge to continue the city.>>